Take a look at the ad to the left, now you can lease a Bentley convertible for the bargain price of $3000 per month! The
dealership must be starving for business (at least on the Bentley side) as this dealership is located some 80 miles from Orange County, California where this ad was found in yesterday's paper. In fact,
Riverside County and its neighbor San Bernardino County was once ranked the third-highest ranking region in the nation for foreclosures just last year. The region has also fell victim to ever-slipping home prices which also dipped to an all-time low since 2004. It's a tough marketplace and is part of the reason this dealership is willing to take out such an ad in the greener pastures of Orange County.
A little more info on the ad: the small print down below has some interesting tidbits. For one, the lessee is locked into a 4-year term and the residual buyout after the lease is up is just a measly $107,000! The generous lease also comes with a 5,000 mile/year mileage allowance (one should really limit their trips to the red carpet). It's a beautiful car don't get me wrong, but I would rather drive myself in a
Porsche Turbo Cabriolet and put the $70 grand I saved into a some
tax-free municipal bonds. It pays to read the fine print on any ad, and any smart consumer can do better (yes, even better than a Bentley). Caveat emptor!
DWD: 19, Miles: 876
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