U23D is the theme today. The local IMAX theatre featured this excellent execution of a three-dimensional, sonic experience. The experience is well worth trying to beat the cut-off for a ticket release which for Bono and the boys would take only a few minutes, and unless you’re lucky enough to win the tickets from the local radio station, those tickets will guarantee you nosebleed status where everyone is reduced to G.I. Joe figure-sized icons and not the early large examples.

Photo from sacbee.com
What does
U23D have to do with an automotive blog? Well nothing really until you experience the virtual concert. The opening song was “Vertigo” and this song has all the right mix of guitar riffs, fast beats, and lyrical genius to qualify it as a good song to blast while you’re attacking a curvy mountain road which brings us to our next topic…
Top 5 roads with the right mix of scenery and curves:
Being a California native this list is slightly slanted, but these are all stretches of pavement I’ve personally experienced:
5. California State Route 1, Shoreline Highway, between Jenner and Fort Ross State Historic Park- this stretch of road is about 5 miles long but there are enough switchbacks and coastal cliffs with spectacular views of the Pacific to make it on this prestigious list, plus this small section of road that redefines the term “hairpin”:
View Larger Map4. Grizzly Peak Blvd, Orinda, CA- this windy stretch of road with the intimidating name (there have been no grizzly sightings in the Berkeley Hills since the 1860’s, no worries) bypasses the Caldecott Tunnel and affords some excellent views of Berkeley and the San Francisco Bay below.
3. Waimea Canyon Road, Kauai, Hawaii- this island gem descends down from one the wettest places on earth, Mount Wai’ale’ale, the road cuts through the midst of a huge 3000' deep canyon dubbed by Mark Twain as the “Grand Canyon of the Pacific”. Of course the road descends down to the shoreline affording great views of the canyon and the Pacific.
2. California State Route 330 (City Creek Road), San Bernardino Mountains- curves, breathtaking views , and a relatively high speed limit (55 MPH on most of the road) makes this 6% grade a fun road for canyon carving and also a great workout for those brakes.
1. South Grade Road, Palomar Mountain, California- this masterpiece nestled in the mountains north of San Diego redefines what a mountain road should be. There are plenty of twists and turns to make it worthy of a mystery novel. On a clear day there are views of the Pacific and with the great weather of the Southern California affords almost year-round enjoyment of this ultimate of mountain passes.
View Larger MapAnyone have any other stretches of road to share?